The launch of World Lectures on Sustainable Development Goals in a public manifestation at Parliamentary Assembly for Sustainable Development Goals.
The Parliamentary Assembly for The Implementation of Sustainable development Goals has start operating the WORLD LECTURES series on Sustainable Development Goals.
The President of The Parliamentary Assembly for The Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals, Professor Dr. Anton Caragea MA, FINS, EDA had signed the official decision in a public ceremony.
The Sustainable Development Goals -SDG are creating a global framework for combating world-wide poverty and insuring an inclusive and developed society on a world scale.
Considering as self evident the fact that: Education is undoubtedly the pillar for the successful implementation and the large acquiescence of the sustainable development goals (SDGs).
The Parliamentary Assembly for The Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (PASDG) endeavors to use the teaching of diplomacy, international relations, economic theory, life sciences, environment, and ecology to raise global awareness and understanding of the SDGs.
Sustainable Development Goals will be the focus of a series of WORLD LECTURES, held annually in different places, regions and countries and reuniting local and global leaders, government officials, and world specialists and addressing the issues of awareness, leading by examples and promotions of sustainable development goals on a world level.
The result of this lectures on SDG wil be presented in the form of a free awarded Certificate on sustainable development goals (SDGs) entrusted to all the participants of the Lectures on SDG.
The WORLD LECTURES on Sustainable Development Goals will focus on giving participants the essential competencies, skills and multidisciplinary knowledge to become globally responsible sustainable development leaders and managers.
The central point of the series of WORLD LECTURES will be to create awareness on the sustainable development goals (SDGs) among world community members and concerned government stakeholders will improve and sustain interactions between government and the people, thereby setting a platform towards achieving the SDGs by 2030
The main issue to be addressed via the WORLD LECTURES on Sustainable Development Goals will be the faults on government officials training and capacity to effectively plan and implement sustainable development projects.
New technology transfer with required capacity would also be adopted to effectively create needed awareness in the minds of all identified stakeholders in response to 2030 sustainable development agenda.
Implementation methodologies
Raising awareness and promoting change-oriented communication based on the implementation of sustainable development goals (SDGs) and targets will be implemented in civil society organizations (CSOs and governmental organizations in response to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
The annual workshop will engage multi-stakeholders in order to enlist them to contribute with their own ideas, strategies and energies, and creating a buoyant debate on sustainable issues.
This will be achieved by a large range of mediums like: community mobilizations, CSOs/ government interactive sessions on the SGDs and their targets, media platforms on print/electronic media, capacity building for community stakeholders and government MDAs, publications, banners, flyers, t-shirts, brochures, and the creation of social network platforms, and promotional materials (manuals).
Coordination mechanisms/governance structure
The initiative is headed by Professor Dr. Anton Caragea President The Parliamentary Assembly for The Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (PASDG) in coordination with the Directors in charge of communication, economic cooperation and education departments and Public and Nonprofit Administration Department.
PASDG will coordinate all awareness campaigns and programmed activities with other identified partners and stakeholders and submit report to relevant governments and institutions and partners.
Implementation of activities will be annually controlled and evaluated and will be bi-annually under revamp during a peer review meeting of partners destined to chart the way further, to identify challenges and roads forward.
The main aim of the annual Word Lectures on SDG will be to insure capacity building for community stakeholders and to create media platforms for wider public sensibilization.
Parliamentary Assembly for the Implementation of SDGs President is the global initiative placing at the fore of the parliamentarians activity the research, implementation and financial support for the completion of United Nations Agenda 2030 known as Sustainable Development Goals.